daniel prebble
2004-06-02 14:00:22 UTC
Right, the OGM is on its merry way (12th) and Rob wants submissions by
saturday (5th). We've all been told this one so I would recommend that
we get sorted the major proposals.
Things I want to see changed:
1. Procedural change-
Ref team becomes responsible for adventure slots and their distribution.
2. Some form of resolution upon armour, even if it remains the same but
needs both explanation and legislation (I'm not sure if the triangular
was ever set in stone). At the least, the removal of the free armour.
3. I think people should seriously consider Jimbob's proposals
concerning the adjustments to the warrior skill tree- particularly
literacy, and cranking up the points on the essentials.
4. The horrors of fingerscouting. Enough said.
In addition, I'm likely to be in favour of Marios' proposed changes to
incomprehensible, long-forgotten sections of the rules which will surely
revolutionise the game, but no one else can be arsed to sit down and
work out.
So, if everyone can bang these rules changes out, both in argument and
then proposals, then we can perhaps claim to have created some good out
of the pit of evil that these forums have become.
saturday (5th). We've all been told this one so I would recommend that
we get sorted the major proposals.
Things I want to see changed:
1. Procedural change-
Ref team becomes responsible for adventure slots and their distribution.
2. Some form of resolution upon armour, even if it remains the same but
needs both explanation and legislation (I'm not sure if the triangular
was ever set in stone). At the least, the removal of the free armour.
3. I think people should seriously consider Jimbob's proposals
concerning the adjustments to the warrior skill tree- particularly
literacy, and cranking up the points on the essentials.
4. The horrors of fingerscouting. Enough said.
In addition, I'm likely to be in favour of Marios' proposed changes to
incomprehensible, long-forgotten sections of the rules which will surely
revolutionise the game, but no one else can be arsed to sit down and
work out.
So, if everyone can bang these rules changes out, both in argument and
then proposals, then we can perhaps claim to have created some good out
of the pit of evil that these forums have become.